
Top 10 Most Common Problems With Interior Plants


1. Spindly new growth
–lack of sufficient light

2. Interveinal Yellowing
— may be lack of iron or pH too high

3. Browning or “frying” of leaf margins
— overfertilization, high watering salts, low humidity

4. Healthy leaf with brown tip
— cold damage

5. Sudden defoliation
— sudden change in environment or care regime

6. Wilted foliage
— usually underwatering, but could be crown rot (pythium) from overwatering.

7. Leaf spots
— usually fungus or bacteria, with black or dark brown centers with yellow margins

8. Sun scorch
— bleached spots on foliage from sudden placing in direct sunlight

9. Crisp, dry foliage
— plants not watered for extended period

10. Fine webbing on leaves 
— spider mite activity